Real Self-Care Tips

1 November 2016

Life is shit sometimes. Like I-don't-want-to-get-out-of-bed-crying-in-the-car kind of shit. Sometimes your life turns into the Friends theme song, and it just really hasn't been your day/week/month/year. I get it, you get it, breaking down and losing touch with yourself is something we all deal with at least semi-regularly, and maybe we need to talk about how we build ourselves back up (probably why you're here now). To be honest, some of my greatest achievements have come straight after I have pulled myself out of a rut/situation that was getting me down. I'll level with you, I'm working my way out of a rut right now, and today I'm going to share what I do to practice real self-care that gets me through the day, and lets me focus on dealing with my hand of cards at the moment.
P.S. You don't need to be in a rough patch to benefit from these tips, they're important for everyone.

T A K E  A  B R E A K
If you're like me, the time you burn out is the time that you really need to get work done. With two columns, a performance, an exam, a song and a film to complete within three weeks, the last thing on my mind is stopping to recharge. However, overwork can make your burnouts and worry worse not better. Deciding to take a solid break from whatever is obligation is pressing you can be fantastic for clearing your headspace. My breaks are tea, makeup removing, closing the laptop and listening to music for 20 mins or so (Lisa Mitchell's Warriors is on repeat right now). A break will make all the difference, and stopping to take care of yourself in stressful situations is so important for your mental health.
I did a post recently that relates to this: Taking a Mental Health Day

A C T U A L L Y  A C C E P T  H O W  Y O U  F E E L
I was talking to someone recently about self-care and being down, and we both realised that the only way to start getting past your emotions is to address them, let them wash over you and realise that your feelings are valid and it's okay to be not okay. I tend not to tell people when I'm in a rough spot, and then I get agitated and bubble over at a random point because I push my emotions away, and I've been learning to be more in touch with myself, and honestly it makes everything much better if you assess what is happening and accept that how you feel right now is how you feel and the only way is up from here.

S L E E P  A N D  W A T E R
Basic isn't even the start of this. The core of looking after yourself is getting your body's needs under your belt. Getting enough sleep and drinking a good amount of water is essential to keep functioning, and staying sane enough to keep taking care of yourself. Try to become aware of when you're lacking in one of these areas and try your best to get back on the right track(9 hours and 8 glasses). I'm not telling you how to live your life, but if you wanna start with your best foot forward, sleep and water are the way to go.

H A V E  A  N I C E  'Y O U'  P L A C E
A big part of self-care is having somewhere to go to practise self-care in a safe space. Yes you can do a lot of self care things anywhere, but there is nothing better than knowing you have somewhere safe to go that is just yours. For me, and most people, it is my bedroom, and I know that when I am in there I am in control and can be present. I can sleep, work or cry and I don't have to feel inhibited about it, it's my space and I can make it work for me. If your space doesn't feel like a personal sanctuary then I really recommend making it feel that way, because an inviting space is such a surreal thing, and I wholeheartedly believe that it helps to get things back on track.

B E  N I C E  T O  Y O U R S E L F
Okay this one is split into two parts.
1. Treat yourself. Just like this parks and rec episode, you really do have to be nice to yourself every once in a while, and do something that makes you happy. Whether it's taking a trip out to the beach, or making your favourite meal or buying yourself some flowers, you'll definitely have a spike of happiness. Think about the endorphin rush your dog gets when they get a treat, imaging that rush for yourself, and having control over how often you feel that way, why wouldn't you.
2. Let yourself off the hook every now and then. This is kind of like the second heading, but when you notice that you're trying and doing things that are good for you, give yourself some credit. When life gets hard and you're at a low point, you have to be rooting for your own side and be nice to yourself for moving forward when it's definitely easier not to.

G E T  I T  O U T 
One last thing, get what is bothering you out of your system. Everyone has different ways of venting, you could text a friend, turn your worries into a piece of art, write it down, or just say things out loud to yourself. It really does wonders for you, and helping your mental space is core to self-care.

I hope this blog post finds you at a point in your life when you don't need any of these tips, and all of this stuff is in your regular routine . If you are in a spot where your life is less than stable or you find yourself not practising self-care, feel free to message me on one of my social media accounts (regardless of whether you know me in real life or not) xx

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