Are Magazine Subscriptions Worth It?

26 October 2016

Magazines are my thing, as a little kid I owned a ton of Total Girl, Dolly, and Girlfriend mags. Now I've graduated, my shelves and blog post pictures sporting Kinfolk, Frankie, Renegade Collective, and my current subscription, Yen. My love of articles has grown over the years, and probably explains why I've been blogging in various forms since 2014, and why I'm studying writing next year at uni.

That being said, magazines are expensive (subscription or not). Especially when you don't know what you're gonna get in each issue, or if you're going to like it. I have glowing reviews of magazine subscriptions and in particular, I'll be referencing Yen since that's what I'm reading at the moment. Here's some of the biggest pros of subscribing to magazines.

F R E S H  C O N T E N T  E A C H  I S S U E

Having a magazine subscription is like a round up of all your favourite articles printed out with some gorgeous thematic photography hitting your doorstep each month. In any given magazine you'll have a team of 20+ people making content, that relates to your chosen niche. Not sure if you'll like what's in the magazine? (don't worry I've subscribed and regretted it) Head on over to the magazine's website, usually you can get a good feel for what you're getting yourself into without any commitment.  Similarly, you can head over to a newsagent and pick the latest edition and have a flick through without signing up to a year's worth. In my experience, I got a Yen recommendation from a friend, bought a single issue and then jumped on the bandwagon. I love every issue, the content both written and visual is stunning, and it's the best subscription I've ever had.

G O O D  B L O G P O S T  P R O P S

I mean if you've seen any of my blog post pictures, you would have seen a few magazines along the way. Three of my last five posts have used magazines as backgrounds or props, and it's not hard to see why. This may be a blogger only bonus, but it also works wonders in Instagram piccies too.

V O L U M E S  O F  I N S P I R A T I O N

Best of all, new content every month or so means new inspiration every month, and not just for blog posts. The art in these issues inspires me to make my own, every month my playlist gets fuller with songs that are recommended, and my films tend to pick up a shot or two from the photography framing. Even the fact that you're reading someone else's work and formulating your own opinion on it is great for getting your creative juices flowing, and coming up with your own writing style. I can't think of any better reason to go and start your magazine collection, inspiration and creativity are invaluable in my eyes.

Well, there's my two cents, anyway. I wholeheartedly recommend Yen Magazine, however, I hope these points can be applied to your own interests and help you choose the magazine for you.

What are you reading at the moment?

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