Short Films that will Change your Mood

10 August 2016

Weird week. Lots has gone down, my to-do list climbed past 40 things and I have begun the 100-day countdown to graduation. Sometimes when you're swamped with things to do, the smallest break makes the world of difference. I have a playlist of short films/videos on youtube that I know are gonna make me feel way better, and those five minutes or so will alleviate the stress that piles on.

T O  C A L M
alone at gracelands - nathan hawes

To start off, this song is beautifully atmospheric on it's own, and it is even better live. The cinematography of this music video is so calming also, and it's definitely the song to listen to if you need a little time to press reset. Nathan Hawes, your music has my heart.

T O  M O T I V A T E
life explained in 27 seconds - casey neistat

I love this so much. It's clever, it's snappy, and it tells you what you need to hear. Keep hustling.

T O  I N S P I R E
a video for my future kids - jana vlogs

This little video is such a wonderful time capsule and holds a world of good advice. This is honest and wonderful and a great reminder of what we should be aspiring to do now so that someday our kids can live in a world so much better than the one we are in right now.

T O  R E L A T E
how it feels - bertie gilbert
grow up with me - keaton henson

How people manage to use words to affect others like these two I don't know. These videos by bertie are nostalgic yet current, and they're wonderfully relatable. Although they are not completely rosy and joyous, they're worth the click.

T O  I M P R E S S
29 celebrities give us their best "gone with the wind" impressions - w magazine

It might be because I'm a massive acting fanatic, but this is one of my favourite videos on the internet. A lot of my favourite actors in the one video, some funny some spot on, it's just a great watch. Honourable mention to Jacob Tremblay and Charlize Theron, they killed it.

T O  L A U G H
hey i think you're really cool - hey harmony

Facebook showed me this gem, and I will feel better instantly after watching this. Chances are you will too.

Big post today, but all in all I honestly believe the simple little things can turn your day around. Put a link to your favourite video in the comments if you like, and I'll be back next week. x

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