I've Graduated

28 November 2016

Writing the title is weird as hell, let me say. After a long, fantastic two weeks where I cried more than I'd like to admit, school's over for me. It's kinda bittersweet, I'm keen to never do a 9-3 school day again, but I'll miss the in-jokes and the simplicity of being able to walk to someone's locker instead of driving 20 minutes to their place. I can't really get my thoughts together but I thought I'd try writing about it all and see how I go.

That Friday was one of the toughest I've ever had, we rocked up early to get our uniforms signed, had homeroom and then our grad ceremony was over like that. I'm pretty sure I cried a grand total of 18 times and the pictures don't lie, I was a mess. We went to the beach in our uniforms, parked way too far away (ty Cam, Issy and Chloe) and then that was it. There's no more SOR debates, no more Drama chats, no more complaining about Music compositions or English exams. We're out, and it still hasn't set in although my tears at the walk-out said otherwise.

Graduation couldn't have possibly been as difficult as it was if I didn't have such wonderful people in my grade. It sounds cliché, but I'm pretty certain that some people I went to school with will still be close long after grad and uni and all that, and if I went to school with you I just want to quickly say thank you, it was a long road but the 12's of 16 made it and I'll miss you guys. We all made it back from schoolies in one piece (as far as I've heard) and I'm sure we'll all catch up and have a good time before uni starts next year.

T H E  L O N G  D I S T A N C E  F R I E N D S H I P S
Underestimated doesn't say the half of it. I realised on the Friday when my good friend Serena made the move from Queensland, AUS to California, USA, that maybe it's gonna be harder to keep in touch with everyone than I first thought. At the start of next year I'm moving to Brisbane, and while that's exciting, it also causes a big distance between myself and some of my closest friends (Lily, Madi, Gen, Mia and Zoe, I'm looking at you). That's probably the hardest thing for me, and also what I'm most afraid of. I don't want to get too busy for keeping in touch. And obviously, the effort will make the friendships I have with all these people stronger than anything, but the schedule of seeing them between classes and after school is in my hands now instead of a five-day week. But so the responsibility begins, and instead of meeting deadlines it's creating my own limits and opportunities, and I'm definitely making the most of this holiday before I move to strengthen the friendships I have here, and start saving money so I can meet up with Serena in San Francisco or Long Beach or Malibu.

T H E  S T R E S S  I S  O F F
So after all the goodbyes and the hugs and the tears and schoolies week, I'm back home and I have nothing to do at all, except part-time work. And it's weird and wonderful. I know I've worked as hard as I could, I'm really happy with the marks I have and really all the results and OP's are not in my hands anymore, so I have no cares about school results anymore. What I mean is, whatever happens, happens, and I'm happy either way. My acting and music classes are over, so there's no more lines to learn or harmonies to sing and I genuinely have nothing in particular to stress about, which is a fairly new feeling for me. I'm going to enjoy it while I can, and just truly appreciate being stress-free.

N O W  W H A T
Let's be honest, I don't really know. Twelve years of routine is gone, and I couldn't be happier about that. I'm looking forward to just enjoying three months of no responsibilities around school, getting to go to the beach, and relax finally. There's no important dates until halfway through December, so I'll just see what happens, and maybe blog about it, who really knows?

I feel like this post is a bit all over the place but I wanted to get it out there for my own sake, and graduating is a big deal and I wanted to share it with you, I guess. I'll be in touch, more regular posts are coming soon x

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