Listening To Lisa Mitchell's Warriors

8 November 2016

Every so often you find an album that you end up listening to every day for a month. Well, I found it, and it's Lisa Mitchell with her third album Warriors. This is an album that you just can't miss, the music is nothing short of ethereal and so well suited to her voice. Also, I bought the vinyl and I couldn't pass up photographing it, I mean it looks almost more whimsical than the music that's on it. Anyway, here's my thoughts on the record, in all its folk-pop-acoustic beauty.

T H E  A L B U M  C O V E R
I can't write a review on this album without touching base on the design of the cover. It's so exquisite and gorgeous, with the combo of pink and blue texts and Lisa Mitchell in the center. If you're a lover of pretty album covers, this is definitely the one to go out and pick up. I have the vinyl and believe me it takes pride of place in my collection, but more on the vinyl copy later.

T H E  M O O D
So from what I can gather, the album is pretty much about her teenage years, and it's so refreshing to have an album that relates to a sort of semi-innocence. The music is gushing with fluidity, and a new Lisa too. If you've listened to 'Neopolitan Dreams' and the 'Bless This Mess' album, you'll notice that she's dropped the piano, guitar, voice combo for a fair few of the songs. The new sound is light, reminiscent and whimsical whilst featuring more drums, bass and synth sounds. I personally adore the mood of the album and listening to Warriors the whole way through is so easy to do, the minutes just slip past you while you immerse yourself in the music.

T H E  S O N G S
here's my top five:
one - The Boys
two - Unraveling
three - Where You Are
four - Warhol
five - I Remember Love

All of the songs are completely fantastic and untouchable in quality. These five were the ones that caught me the most, they're just so wonderful and thematic and work so well together. The music video for 'The Boys' is so well produced, and the lyrics of Where You Are always hit me when I least expect them to. I mean, "wherever you fall, you're already home" could potentially be my favourite lyric in the whole album. Lisa, if you ever read this, your way of writing is so fantastic, and your words are glowing with truth.

T H E  V I N Y L
Okay, the vinyl is clear. It completely takes the cake of the most beautiful music purchase I've ever made. It plays like a dream, although I'm fairly new to the whole vinyl scene, so I'm still finding my way around it, however, this sounds great in my opinion. (Great Look x Great Quality = Happy Em)

T H E  S O N G W R I T E R
Lisa Mitchell is a singer I've loved for a long time. From the Australian Idol days to her Dire Strait's Like A Version (It was romeo & juliet - check it out) I've loved her work. I honestly think this is her best work yet, the music is so resonant, the lyrics are gorgeous and her voice is so suiting for her style. I'd love to see her live one day, so I'll keep you guys updated if I ever get to!

What do you think of Warriors?

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