Making Lazy Days Productive

21 June 2016

Let's face it, we all love a good lie in. I'm a big offender of oversleeping my alarms, especially on days off (like today, woohoo). Recently I've had to be super productive, mostly because of the exams and assignments due, but it has been good to tick stuff off the to-do list. Although it's tempting, I have a few notes on how to stay focussed on days off.

W A K E  U P  E A R L Y  A N D  G E T  S O M E T H I N G  D O N E
This is undoubtedly the hardest part of the day, starting it. Get the ball rolling by actually getting out of bed and doing one of the things you have on your list. Whether it's washing, replying to emails, making a blog post (raises hand), doing things is the best motivator to keep going. In regards to waking up early, that's a personal preference, but my logic is that if you're given a day off you might as well make it last as long as possible. I guess what I'm saying is, don't sleep your day away.

G I V E  Y O U R  D A Y  S T R U C T U R E
I feel like this is so important. In the morning, figure out how you want to spend your day. Do you want to study or rehearse for school/uni? Does the house need some TLC? Are you going to meet a friend for lunch? Do you just wanna read and catch up on tv shows? Deciding what takes priority when and for how long is super helpful, and stops your day from blending together; for example my day looks like:

8 - 9:30: Singing Lesson
9:40 - 11: Blogging
11 - 12: Break
12 - 1: Driving Lesson
1 - 2: Work on Report (school)
2 - 2:30: Break
2 - 4: Work on Report (school)
4 - Whenever: I haven't gotten that far into planning yet.

B E  N I C E  T O  Y O U R S E L F
Days off are perfect for a bit of R&R, so take advantage to switch off if you don't have too much to get done. If you're like me and have a tonne of assignment work to complete with deadlines in tow, then there's still ways to make it a bit more relaxing as you get the job done. Ditch the makeup for now and chuck on a face mask/oil while you tap away on whatever's due, that way you're working double time without even realising it. I'm a very musical person, so I'll chuck on some chill out music to relax or whatever pieces I'm learning (usually musical/opera) to familiarise myself with the notes. And also eat well! Make a nice wholesome lunch and down some water, it'll do wonders I promise.

All-in-all it's a free day and you're welcome to use it how you wish. I love a day off when I can get one, today it's my only empty day of exam block so I'm back at it again tomorrow! Wish me luck and let me know what your 'lazy' days look like.

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