2016, Come She Will

Gotta love a good Simon and Garfunkel reference to send you into the new year! 365 days have come and gone and I am left wondering what happened to them, because all the time has become a bit of a blur. This post is to straighten out my plan for the new year and everything I'm going to do for my 2016 self.
This year is going to be massive. I'm in my final year of high school, I'll be sitting three music exams and choosing university courses and maybe going overseas! But, as well as achieving that I am pushing myself with three other goals to get me through the year as good as I can.


+ Get a bit more self love going on. I personally think I have a really good relationship with myself but some days I do feel like everything I've accomplished is tiny compared to other people. Basically I'm looking to give myself more credit and be a bit more positive when it comes to being myself. Also, I want to get better at taking photos of myself, because I don't have time to wait until my makeup/angle/faceshape/location/lighting is right just for a photo. Love yourselves!

+ Organisation. Currently, my organisation is a bit S***, sorry Em, just being honest. This year I want to actually get a schedule going, balance my time and squeeze as much as I can out of the coming year.

+ Create more, and with to a higher standard! This is the big goal, and it practically applies itself to any area of my life. School? Make my assignments better, especially in my creative classes. Music? Write a few songs here and there, or better yet, chuck an EP together. Blogging? You're gonna have a whole heap of high quality posts coming your way in the new year (hold me to that). To be a creative person you've gotta throw yourself head first into every creative avenue that comes your way and I plan on doing that whole heartedly.

Have a good end of year, and I'll see you in the next one!


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