How to be a Goal-Getter in 2017

Here we are, I think I love New Year the most out of any time of the year, because of that fresh-start feeling. Sure, the highs and lows of 2016 are going to be things that we remember for years to come, but now December's here and we have a blank canvas in only a few days time. If you're thinking about resolutions and how to get them, I have a few pointers for getting your list together (and sticking with 'em until 2018).

W H A T  D O  Y O U  W A N T
The first part of reaching your new years resolutions and smashing them is actually having one to reach for. These will be different for everyone, and you may also have specific goals for specific aspects of your life. I have some for both blogging and everyday life, which I'll share with you over in the new year. Have a sit down and think about where you what to be at the end of next year, because you're not going to get there by accident, it'll take effort on your part. After you figure out what you want, you can start working on them.

F I N D  S O M E  H E L P
Once you figure out what you want, it's a lot more work to get it. Sometimes you can't go it alone, so get organised and find some devices to help you out. If your goal is fitness related, you could find a PT, if you just want to be more organised, buy a planner. The list goes on, you can enlist family, friends, tutors, or turn to apps and goal sheets for other goals. There's nothing wrong with looking for some help, especially if it makes you a better person at the end of it.

M A K E  A  P L A N
I'm gonna use an example of mine to show you how planning makes a difference. This year I wanted to really grow my blog. I started the year on 109 views for January, and in November it reached 1312 views for the month. I could not be more grateful, but it did take a lot of work to get there. I worked made a plan that looked a little like this:

+ Re-Design Template
+ Start Social Media
+ Improve Photography
+ Stick to a Schedule
+ Write often, write quality

I think these little plans inside one big goal can be invaluable, and super helpful if your goal is daunting or requires a lot of organisation and preparation.

R E - E V A L U A T E  O F T E N
Goals are hard. Reaching them is harder. Knowing when to stop and when to push on is even more difficult. Evaluation is so important in goal-making because things don't always go to plan, and you need to re-think to get back on the right track. Say you set a goal, but other things pop up that stop you from reaching it. Think about how important that goal is to you and if it is, how you can take the steps to make space for it in your life. If you find it's not important, then set a goal you really want to get and use the above steps to get there.

So that's a wrap, I'll have more New Years Posts in the New Year, as well as a lot of cool content coming on up just for you guys. Also Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays from me, I hope your time off is enjoyable and rejuvenating. xx

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