Taking a Mental Health Day

Mental health days are something I completely advocate for most situations. If school is stressing me out and I need just some time to get on top of things and take the edge off, mental health day is-a-go. I don't take them too often but considering I'm on one while I write this, I thought I'd touch base on the how to get the most out of them.
M A K E  A  P L A N
It's very easy to waste a day in bed and although that sounds like the best thing ever, but you will regret it when it hits 6pm and you have done zip. If I have some structure in my day I don't feel as bad about missing classes that I can't really afford to miss. That being said I tend to pick a day with subjects I know I can keep up with easily. Making a plan helps you get the most out of your day.

U S E  T H E  D A Y  T O  H E L P  Y O U R  W E E K
Productivity is important on days like this, if you've injected an extra 4-6 hours into your day then you can use some of them to make headway on your English Persuasive Speech, or your Experimental Film. Getting something done that you would otherwise have to devote more time to will keep you level headed throughout the week and minimalise the stress you have to deal with.

R E M E M B E R  I T ' S  Y O U R  D A Y
That being said, take some time for yourself. If you really love writing then go sit down and put your pen to paper. Read that magazine you've been meaning to and slap on a face mask. Take a nap and catch up on sleep, do whatever you need to do. Make sure it's a self-care day too, eat three meals that you enjoy and treat yourself right.

D O N ' T  F E E L  G U I L T Y
I'm a big one to feel guilty about missing things, especially considering I'm less than 90 days away from graduation. But really I needed a day and I don't feel bad about taking a little bit of time off school to recenter myself and what I've missed I know I can catch up on pretty quick. Pick your moments and you're on easy street to a good mental health day.

What do your mental health days look like? x

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