Muted Pink-Nude Lipstick Edit

1 August 2016

Nude lipstick is my go to, full stop. I feel like it's super effortless and easy to tie into any makeup look and it will look fantastic. I haven't talked about it much before on this blog, but I'm a big fan of makeup and skincare (especially cruelty-free). I spent some time figuring out how to blog about beauty, but I think and edit of my favourite products is a good way to start. Also, as per usual, everything mentioned in this post is cruelty-free

N U D E S T I X  I N T E N S E  M A T T E  L I P + C H E E K  P E N C I L
This is a newbie in my collection, I was super lucky for my mum to grab this for me during her America trip because currently in Australia you can't pick this one up yet. I've worn it a couple of times and I can wholeheartedly say that I love it. The colour is completely gorgeous and isn't too light at all, which is my worry with nude lipsticks. Belle really lives up to its name, it's so so beautiful and the consistency is smooth. Apparently they're better than Nars, but I'll have to get a Nars lipstick to find out (what a shame).

T H E B A L M  T H E  B A L M  G I R L S  L I P S T I C K
M A I  B I L L S B E P A I D
This is a great lipstick for those that love a cooler nude lip and a moisturising finish. It's a bit more brown toned than any of the other shades here, but the colour is bang on for my perfect everyday lip. The packaging looks just like a silver MAC bullet, and the lippy, in my opinion, is just as good as a MAC lipstick any day. This is one of my favourite nude lipsticks, it's got such a nice glossy finish and I think it would suit a variety of skin tones. Added bonus: it's got a minty scent/taste.

I T  C O S M E T I C S  V I T A L I T Y  L I P S T I C K
R O S E  F L U S H
This colour name basically speaks for the entire lipstick itself. It provides a super nice and natural flush of colour in a rosy hue. It's fairly sheer in comparison to the other lipsticks in this post, but I love a bit of variety. This doubles as a lip balm, but the colour isn't too sheer that it doesn't show up in your makeup look. I love the consistency of this, and I have to say this lipstick is the most comfortable to wear out of all the others in this post, so get ya hands on it!

A U S T R A L I S  M A T T E  L I P  C R E A M
So this is my non-high-end pick of the bunch, I tend to go for higher end lippies because more brands at Mecca & co are cruelty-free than Priceline. That being said, this one by Australis is pretty top notch. I've heard that Paree is a dupe for the Pure Hollywood shade, so that's pretty good if you can't get your hands on it. The colour is super pigmented, and there are some grey tones mixed in with the pink. I really like this one if I want a heavy duty lip colour, but a word to the wise, it will crack pretty bad on dry lips.

S W A T C H E S  L-R: Nudestix Belle, TheBalm MaiBillsBePaid, Australis Paree, IT Cosmetics Rose Flush

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