Two Lovely Books by Will Darbyshire & Madisen Kuhn

26 September 2016

I've been loving having time off school so much, from sleeping in to reading to- actually that's pretty much all I've been doing since the term ended. It's been nice to get a bit of rest and relaxation in before the climb to the end of the year. So I picked up these two books and I have to say that both of them are totally phenomenal and so worth the read.

T H I S  M O D E R N  L O V E   B Y   W I L L  D A R B Y S H I R E

This book is a collection of essays, poems and letters sent in by people around the globe to Will Darbyshire, a Filmmaker/YouTube Creator. Over 15,000 submissions resulted in 300-ish poignant, introspective letters about love, who we love and why we love. I love opening to a random page and finding a completely original and heartfelt letter, mine is on page 103. I really have to commend Will for getting this idea to come to fruition, it's so wonderful to get a fresh take on love, both old and new, and to find a commonality between people so far apart.

The formatting is beautiful, I love the cover, and Will's interludes and thoughts between each section really tie the book up into a nice little parcel, perfect to read whenever you like.

E I G H T E E N  Y E A R S   B Y   M A D I S E N  K U H N

I have followed Madisen's poetry for a long time now and I am always stunned at how she manipulates words to create emotion. 'Eighteen Years' is her first self published book of poetry, with illustrations throughout by Laura Suptnik. Every poem is engaging and wonderful and I find myself reaching for this to go back to my favourite ones every once in a while. Some of my favourites are (including but not limited to):

i am not a shadow (215)
bucket list worthy (127)
may i be your wildflower? (48)
today (132)
it was a wednesday (240)
searching (117)

I love all of her poetry in this book, and I am excited for another installment should it come along. (p.s. follow to read her stuff on insta, that's how I found her)

What have you loved reading recently? x

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