Get Writing Again

4 July 2016

Recently, I've been writing loads. Might just be because I actually have free time seeing as school's out, but also it may just be that I'm feeling a bit artsy. I'm sure a lot of you are like me, and really like making stuff so I thought I'd share what I've found after writing something for the past seven days.

H A V E  P A P E R
The bulk of what I've been writing is poetry, sounds a bit sappy but it would be so incredible to publish a book of it, this is early days though. I find it easier to write on paper and then type up the finished copy into the little word doc where I keep them all. Physically writing is just like bleeding onto the page for me, the words seem to come out in a much more fluid fashion although my handwriting is absolutely appalling when I don't focus on being neat (see above). I'd advise taking a notebook absolutely everywhere because you never know when you'll find yourself wanting to write.

G E T  I N S P I R A T I O N  F R O M  E V E R Y W H E R E
I cannot stress this enough. Whether you're writing fiction, or illustrating or songwriting or whatever, the things that are around you can have a monumental effect on your work. Reading books, being in traffic, going to a new part of your city or visiting a gallery will give you something to write about, and usually if something in particular sticks with you it's worth writing about.

D O N T  B E  A F R A I D  O F  B A D  W O R K
Not everything you make is going to be perfect, trust me I know. Some of the stuff I've written it total utter crap and I'm never going to show it to anyone. But the sun comes after the storm, and straight after I wrote one of my crap poems, I wrote one called 'New Zealand' and that is a piece I am so, so proud of. Maybe I'll share it one day, but what I am trying to say is that when you write the bad stuff, the good stuff is sure to be on its way.

C A R E  A B O U T  W H A T  Y O U  W R I T E
Don't write because the words are pretty, or draw because the colours look nice on paper. Think about what you care about, and why you care about it. Then get creating, because when you care about something you will devote yourself to your work and it will be the best stuff you have ever made. If you want to provoke change with what you create, go for it! I promise you will me happy with what you come up with.

This sounds far too much like a TED talk for my liking (although I do love a good TED talk). These things are just what I found to work when I started writing again, and really I've been loving it and writing could end up being one of those things that I want to do with myself. Anyways, let me know what you're making/creating these days and what you do to get on a roll with your work.

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