A Bit of Minimalism

15 May 2016

Things get hectic real quick. I'm in my last year of high school and fourteen assessments/exams is a lot to handle in one term. I have ten to go, and it's gonna be a lot of work. You might be thinking that I'm a little crazy for throwing a 30-day challenge on top of that, but once I explain it you might see why.

Minimalism is basically gearing your life toward simplicity, at least that's my definition. Cutting the clutter and streamlining everything. I decided to give it a shot and downloaded a whole month worth of minimalism from the blog IntoMind. These daily challenges will hopefully let me drop my tendency for procrastination. (Like organising my desktop folders when four drafts are due in the next week and a half) They're only small things, but even now I know some of these days will be tough, such as staying offline all day. It will be worth it, though. Hopefully, it'll leave me with an extra half hour every day to actually get more done.

If you wanna jump on board this challenge with me, you can find the challenge download here. I've always liked the idea of being a minimalist, foregoing all but the essentials. It'll be an interesting month for sure but I'm quite excited, and I'll report back at the end of it all to have a chat about how I went.

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